Simple HR Software for SMEs

Manage, develop, and retain talent with HR software that helps your business grow

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What is HR software?

HR software streamlines all necessary HR functions for human capital management (HCM). Also known as Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS) or Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS), HR software provides a powerful solution for everyday HR processes and strategic planning.

Laptop showing Breathe's HR software dashboard UI with a mobile phone showing the mobile app

Save time on HR admin and people management with features you'll love

Discover the full range of intuitive, easy-to-use features included with Breathe

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"Their 14-day free trial is a no-brainer. Give it a go with nothing to risk and nothing to lose" - Ryan A, CEO

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Designed with SMEs in mind

At Breathe, we’ve developed comprehensive HR software for small and medium-sized businesses. Our award-winning tools put you in control of all HR functions while re-centring your people at the heart of your business. It’s the perfect solution for keeping on top of your day-to-day HR tasks, centralising data, and maximising employee engagement.

Why trial Breathe?

Free for 14-days

No credit card required

Easy to set-up

UK support available

Unlimited access

All modules included

Safe and secure

Your data is fully protected

Frequently Asked


What is a Human Resource Information System (HRIS) and what is it used for?

What should I consider when looking for a HRIS?

How will Breathe help my business?

How is Breathe designed with SMEs in mind?

How secure is my data in Breathe?

Why do you need HR software?

What features are included in Breathe?

What will my return on investment look like?

Let’s work together –
and make things better

Take a free trial of Breathe to see for yourself how easy it is to win back time in your day and help your people be the best they can be.

HR features layout
HR features layout