Location management

Flexible & hybrid working made simple

Lady in cafe writing notes

Your team's locations at a glance

Keeping track of where your people are working isn't always easy.

With Breathe's location tracker you can easily view where your people are, whether they're working from home or at the office. 

Set up your locations and let your team update their own locations in a few clicks.


3 great reasons to start a Breathe trial


Test drive all features for FREE


Use your own data to see the system in action


Try for 14 days - no card details required

During your trial, you'll be in the driving seat and have the freedom you need to experience the system first-hand. There's absolutely no obligation to buy, and while we offer a self service experience, our friendly support team will be on hand if you need them.

Want to see more of what we offer?


Centralise employee data

If you can get online, you can access your HR and personnel data – easily and securely.


Observe absence

Monitor absence & sickness with the manager dashboard, calendar and reports functionality.

Join over 15,000 SMEs that choose Breathe as their #1 HR software provider

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