FAQs for our charity customers

Some frequently-asked questions about the changes we made to our charity policy from 1st November 2022.

In November 2022, we made some changes to the way we give back to our charity customers, and introduced an annual donation scheme.

Within this page, you should be able to find the answers to any questions you may have as a Breathe charity customer.


Charity changes - FAQs

Q: Why has Breathe made these changes? 
A: In 2020, Breathe became part of the ELMO family. As part of that change, we’ve aligned our charity policy to match the wider group.
Q: How do charities qualify for the annual donation? 
A: Any registered UK charity (with a valid UK charity number and bank account) can qualify for the annual donation. Important: Please ensure that you have entered both your registered charity number and your charity bank details (the account which will receive your donation) into your Breathe account settings. Without this, our accounts team will not be able to pay your donation.

 Q: What is the donation? 
A: Breathe has chosen to make an annual donation to each charity customer, which will equate to around 50% of payments received by Breathe in the year leading up to the annual donation. Donations exclude VAT payments. 

Q: Is the donation contractual?
A: Our charity donations aren't contractual - Breathe is choosing to make an annual donation to each of our charity customers in recognition of the great work they do for our communities.  

Q: When will the donation be made?
A: From the 1st of January 2023, all donations will be made annually, by the end of each calendar year. 

Q: Why do we need to provide our registered charity number and bank details?

A: We need this information to pay you your donation each year. Without these details, we won't be able to process this payment. We're unable to backdate this, meaning you will forfeit this year's donation if these details aren't provided.

Q: How is the donation made?  
A: All charity customers need to ensure that they have provided their registered charity number AND the bank details of the account that will be receiving the donation. Without these details, we will be unable to issue your donation.  This is only a one-time action, unless your bank details change. It's your responsibility to ensure details are correct, and to update bank details should they change.  

Q: What happens if we cancel our subscription before the donation month? 
A: If this should happen, Breathe will make a donation by the end of the calendar year. The donation amount will be based on all payments received during the last year.